Monday, November 26, 2012

Don't Spend My Money for Me

It goes without saying that I am a conversationalist   Now before I go any further let me define that word for you.  A Conversationalist is someone that enjoys or excels in conversation.  Now let's visit the "root word" which is conversation.  A conversation is informal interchange of thoughts, information, etc., by spokenwords; oral communication between persons; talk; colloquy; the ability to speak well with others.  

With that being said I engage in a lot of conversations with various persons from various walks of life on a daily basis.  Recently, I've noticed a pattern in many of these conversations.  People everywhere are trying to dictate to people everywhere on how, when, where, and why to spend their money.  Now, if for some reason you find yourself at the financial mercy of someone else then your situation is a bit unique.  As long as you are not financially independent the person that has control of your "pocket" also has some say so in what you do financially.

Now, that is not who I am about to blog about.  I'm blogging about individuals that for whatever reasons have decided they are self-proclaimed financial advisers to the masses.  I'm speaking of those that are constantly saying what a person can do or can't do with their earned income.  Most recently, I've made the decision to make more financially responsible decisions.  This includes omitting many things that are not necessities.  In order to receive increase from God I must be a good steward over what he has already given me.  Now, WHY I choose to close my purse is really not your concern.  I only shared that to make a point.  The point is Monday-Friday I wake up, get dressed, go to MY job, and do MY work.  At the end of the pay period a direct deposit in the name of "D'Andra E. Bradford" is posted to MY account.  

So here is the irony.  At no point did I list that anyone else went to my job and completed my responsibilities.  At no point did I suggest that anyone else made a direct deposit into the accounts of D'Andra E. Bradford.  However, I do hear people say what I could have or should have done with MY earned income. (Do you see where this is going?)  Let's keep in mind that many of these people make references about others, I simply choose to "pick on myself". Or as my little nephew would say "I'm picking on my ownself today".
Often times we immediately say what people should be able to do that is not even necessary.  Now yes I do believe people need to take care of their responsibilities so this isn't what I'm speaking of.  

This past weekend I heard MANY people say "We need to support the Bayou Classic".  But let me ask you this, where was your support all of the subsequent weeks and months in between.  Southern University and Grambling State University need our (notice I said OUR) financial support on the days preceding and following "Bayou Classic Weekend".  Let's be real the money we collect at this Major sporting event will not keep the school floating.  Yes, we need to support The Annual Bayou Classic.  But people were all up in arms about something that is a LUXURY.  I'm just being real.  Bayou Classic is a luxury and I can't speak for anyone else, but when I choose between keeping a roof over my head and watching my favorite teams hash it out on the football field. I'm choosing stability and security of a home.

Now I don't know why anyone else made the choices they made but what I do know is whatever their reasons, I don't work at THEIR jobs and I don't pay THEIR bills and my name is not on THEIR financial accounts.  Therefore it is not MY JOB to spend their money for them.  
People are entitled to make their own decisions.  So when a person decides to forfeit the salon for dinner that's their business.  When a person chooses a Chevy over a Mercedes, again their business.  When a person chooses to rent instead of buy or buy instead of rent. . . their business.  

If we would all just stop trying to spend other folks money we may find more peace with our own personal decisions.  Now this is a post for another blog, but this even includes when you ask someone to borrow money and they say NO.  They have that right. . . This entitlement attitude of today's society is going to be the death of many of our neighbors and friends. (Blogging about this later)

So maybe you are still reading and you are still confused about the point. The point is "Stop spending (insert name  here) money for them".  And most definitely Stop trying to spend my money for me.

So next time you part your lips (or lift your fingers) to tell someone what they NEED to do with their Earned Income, check the "PAY TO THE ORDER OF " on their pay stub.
That's all folks. . .have a great day!

That's all folks. . .have a great day!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

This is probably the most difficult blog I will ever write.

We all have our pet peeves. Mine has always been being judged without the benefit of testimony.  A few months ago I realized I had become that person.  That person that I hate.  Yes, I became judgmental and accusatory.  Not only was I being judgmental and accusatory, I was doing the VERY things I despised most in others.  I began to allow my insecurities and emotions to drive my decisions.

My thoughts, my desires, my dreams.  They all consumed me.  I was becoming the woman I hate(d).  In theory I was simply following my dreams.  Unfortunately, I was also trying very hard not to become the woman that throws herself into her work because she has nothing else to do.  It appeared that everyone in my circle was living MY dream.  (As if I am the only person that could have that dream). I began to wonder what I had done so badly in life that I was living a nightmare instead of a dream.  Even the people closest to me thought I was losing my mind.  

I could never admit that I was just depressed and disappointed.  

Governor Edwin Washington Edwards

Governor-State of Louisiana:
1972 to 1980
1984 to 1988
1992 to 1996....

And if he ran today he would serve again.  Hands down Governor Edwards is both the best governor Louisiana ever had.

Seasons Change

Everything has its season.  For nearly  four years of my life I prepared to spend my life with Ventric Fletcher.  Then on December 13, 2011 (two days before our 4th anniversary) he asked for a "temporary break".  I was pretty sure that there was no such thing as a temporary break.  Particularly given the signs were there all before this.  I went from being his priority to his second thought.  But I promised him (and God) that I would try. And I did.  I can't claim perfection, but I did put my all into what I thought to be my future.  For months we carried on as though we would end the temporary break.  And finally in October 2012, he admitted that he was in a relationship with another person.   And at that very moment I received PEACE.  

I received this peace because I had spent a lot of time praying and fasting with and for him.  And it frightens me to know I joined hands to pray with him to save our relationship while he was "moving on".  But I am not bitter. I'm thankful.

Ventric and I had some good days.  I truly enjoyed our time together. I enjoyed "Our Season".  When we were good. WE WERE GOOD. We were "Barak and Michelle".  I give him that.  

For reasons, I may never understand, that season ended. And I'm doing just fine.

But to then end of that season and new season begins. .  and so I walk into my new destiny proudly.

I walk into my new Season with joy, increase, and gladness.  I enter my new Season with increase, favor and boldness.  I enter it with the expectation of greatness and fulfillment in being JUST who God wants me to be.  

I enter it with new friends, old friends, family, and a true understanding of what God means when He promises to open up the windows of heaven that you will not have room enough to receive it!  

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support.  Know that our prayers are not and were not in vain.  And I am happy as "Seasons Change."

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Emotions

My Emotions

by D'Andra Bradford on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 8:54am
I know that generally I am a very happy person.  I smile even though I'm broken inside.  The several days have been heartbreaking for me to some extent.  It all started when I thought of little things a daughter wants to share with her mother.  Questions that only a mother could answer.  I thought of how my mother always supported me when I was right and chastised me when I was wrong.  I thought of the good I had done. I thought of the bad.  I recalled our good times and our bad.  It was rough.  Part of me smiled while part of me cried.  I cried a lot.  I wasn't having a nervous breakdown by any means.  I was FINALLY letting myself heal through mourning.  I was finally allowing myself to hurt.  No matter how I rejoice in HER healing. . . I am still her little girl.  So I have to cry SOMETIMES.   
Then there were things that have happened to me over the past 6 weeks that I can't even put in words.  Some close to me know what they are/were.  While I should have been thanking God for affording me the resources to buy a new car, I was afraid.  Afraid because every car that I've ever owned was "given" to me.  YES, I paid my notes, but Daddy always set it up for me.  He made sure that I had a note that affordable.  I also knew that if I fell flat on my face he was right there.  This time was different.  I know he won't let me suffer BUT I also know that he is now retired and SHOULD NOT be responsible or worried with my needs/wants.  So I cried.  

I breakdown and decide fine I have to buy a car.  But on June 13, 2011, I experienced something that I'm still uncertain about. I cried.

I bought a new car on June 13, 2011, and on June 17, 2011, I hit a pole (yes in the new car).  I cried.

Through those tears I still stood strong.  I've been known for my high and mighty love for myself and strength like bamboo.  But many days when people were watching this person, She cried.  

I grow closer and closer to God everyday.  And when I think of the days I didn't love God like I should.  I cry.

For 32 years, I reserved my tears for anger because I was always told to "DRY IT UP".  But I needed to cry.  For the past 7-9 days I cried.  I cried for everything that needed to come out.  I asked for prayers.  And. I cried.  I knew that my soul was being attacked by Satans tricks. . . I needed intercession.  (Thank you for those that prayed FOR me and not ON me).  I cried.

I'm not insane. I'm not unstable.  I'm human.  Which brings me to my next phase of tears.  I pride myself on doing unto others as I would have them do unto me (now I do anyway).  I try to give my best and hope that I am appreciated and loved.  Recently someone that I gave my trust to highly disspointed me.  They hurt me.  They truly allowed satan to use them as a pawn. (And for the record I am NOT talking about Ventric).  This person reached out to me and showed me what appeared to be love (not romantic love, again this is not about Ventric).  This person in turn decieved me and upheld targets against me.  I cried.  I cried because I never once reached out to this person.  This person sought me out.  This person displayed acceptance as a friend, a sister, a mother, a confidant, a father. . . a person that could be trusted.  And just like that. . . they sold themselves to the highest bidder. I cried.  I cried because we thanked God for the "friendship" God gave us.  Only for me to find that it was only a facade on their end.  Then I cried but not because they decieve me, but because they put my GOD in this.  They told my God things that they just didn't show.  I'm human. It hurt.  I'm not too big to say someone hurt me.

But then on yesterday I asked some people to pray for me (and Ventric because I love him and want God's best for him too).  I was at a low place. Again I AM HUMAN.  And through those HONEST and EARNEST pleas I felt God moving.  I looked up and saw God reaching out to me so I stretched my hand to Him.  I cried.  But those last tears were tears of revelation.  I thank GOD because my brother reminded me of Pslam 37.  (Thank Roderick).  See while some were busy out for my bad God was out for my good.  And while some don't know the difference in genuineness and deceit and obsession. MY GOD was watching out for me.  He allowed my brother MY BIG BROTHER both in Heaven (Jesus) and in Earth (Roderick) to direct me to a passage that reminded me that GOD WILL HANDLE those that set out to persecute me.  I'm crying.

But now I'm crying because I see Jesus.  I see Him working on my behalf.  I see him mending the broken pieces. I see Him fillig the void I feel without MY MOTHER.  I see Him forgiving me for my stains.  I see Him working on behalf of the person that hurt me to ensure they are forgiven also.  

Now in the midst of THIS storm.  GOD allowed me to "minister" to some people.  I didn't mean to.  I was only telling my story.  I cried.  THrough my tears I allowed God to speak through me.  I received a message from this person saying they heard me and I restored their faith in God.  Now folk that's what this is all about.  

I will cry.  I will laugh. I will smile. I will be maliciously violated.  I wll be taken advantage of.  But I WILL BE A SERVANT to GoD.  And I WILL PRAY.

I love each of you for praying WITH and FOR ME.  I thank EACH of you for understanding:

"Trouble in my way. . . I have to cry sometimes."

I'm not saying I've come through the storm.  But I see the rainbow and the SON peeping through the clouds.  And I know it's alright!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

What happened to humility?

Proverbs 22:4 Humility and the fear of the LORD bring wealth and honor and life. 

I'll begin this blog by providing a definition.  I generally assume (which is my mistake) that people know the meanings of words.  Humility is defined as:the quality or condition of being humble modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.  Humble not proud or arrogantmodest: to be humble although successful.

Now that I have cleared that up, I shall continue.  Over the past several months I've heard so many people boast about being arrogant.  I've heard people place more value on the dollar than the heart. Well, my heart is troubled. I'm troubled to live in a world (society) whereby people have forgotten the very meaning of our existence.  God did not create us to be boastful and inconsiderate of our peers.  He did not intend for us to lose sight of humility.  

The verse above states that Humility and fear of the LORD bring wealth and honor and life.  My understanding is that HUMILITY and FEAR of the LORD bring me all these things people "brag" about. But if I'm to be humble, then I'm not to flaunt.  And if I fear the Lord there is no bragging to be done because GOD gave it all to me and at any moment can take it all back (and will).  

This blog is a rather personal (much like most of mine) and emotional. I'm emotional because while I have always had my needs at my disposal. And while I grew in what some say a "Utopian life" my parents ALWAYS taught me humility.  I can recall on so many occasions my dad would say "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away."  They constantly reminded me that true value and virtue was in the heart not the wallet.  

I'm struggling now. I'm struggling because the world around me can only see dollar signs.  The world around me bases everything on how much money a person has.  (Or how much someone THINKS they have). I'm not here to keep up with the Jones'. I'm not here to be covetous (that's another blog).  I am truly grateful for all of the things God has prospered me.  I'm humbled by God's kind spirit.  I realize that I am very blessed and fortunate to be where I am career wise and financially.  But I don't use that to measure who I am. And I certainly don't use a persons financial worth to measure their personal worth to me.  I'm not turned on by pretentious attitudes. And I'm most certainly not turned on by flashing money in my face.  In my HUMBLE opinion that would classify me as a prostitute!

I plead with my friends, family, colleagues,etc to please revisit humility.  Humility in GOD is not a bad thing.  We must not conform to this world.  It is this very world that has taught us that being humble is a weakness.  God has been too good to us for us to take his credit and boast as if we did this all alone.  We must stop putting so much on worldly things.  I look around and we have accepted so much worldly behavior as the new social norm. I can't conform. I won't conform.

My great-grandmother lived to be 108 years old.  My grandmother is currently 80 and is in better shape than any of us reading (writing) this. My grandfather lived to be 90+. My father is in tip top shape (better than me MUCH better than me).  My mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness when I was only 15 years old.  Allegedly she would spend less than a year with me. God gave us EIGHT years.  All of these people taught me to be humble, meek, appreciative, thankful, and respectful.  I'm looking for the prosperous life God honored (is honoring) them with.

I will go to my grave being those things. I will go to my grave respecting my God, myself, my family, my friends, my foes, etc.  I will go to my grave giving praise to God. I will go to my grave recognizing the value of God. I will go to my grave being a lover. I will go to my grave believing in God's promises.

I will go to MY heavenly home. . . HUMBLE!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is Retirement Age High Enough?

Currently, in the United States private sector workers must work until the age of 67 in order to obtain their full retirement benefits.  The government has generally tied retirement age to life expectancy.  

Former member of the Council of Economic Advisers, Alicia H. Munnell, states that "raising the retirement age is one way to cut benefits under national social insurance programs-one that merits consideration when people are living longer healthier lives."  This is actually great news, right?  Longer healthier lives. Who wouldn't/doesn't want this?  I mean after all if we have to be here may as well be healthy!  WRONG!  Living longer healthier lives does not equate ones desire to work until they are UNHEALTHY.  Many years are spent working tirelessly to make ends meet.  Years are spent trying to begin building a nest egg.  And for some they have no desire to ever retire.  Some of us  will be sitting at our desks coffee mug in hand when God calls our names.  Is this truly living longer healthier lives?

Sure, seniors are living longer than people did years before.  Unfortunately, the higher the retirement age is the higher the "new hire" age becomes.  As long as our parents are forced to work until dementia sets in.  Until carpal tunnel deprives them of the strength to accomplish their tasks. Newer generations will be forced to settle.  Turning into career students running up the financial aid debt.  The circle of life works on an input/output cycle.  New jobs can't be created and old jobs can't be filled as long as the seniors are still collecting dust in front of their desk.

Now none of this is said to be vindictive.  Nor, do I have anything against seniors.  My father is a senior and I am ever so proud of him.  Even more proud to have the opportunity to walk in his legacy.  However, a few years ago my Dad took the stance to retire.  To move around so that newer generations may be gainfully employed.  I'm not saying that because he chose this option that this is the only viable option.  Those are not my thoughts at all.

However, as I look around workplaces I see people that are "dying to retire".  And as I watch the graduates walk across the stage at commencement ceremonies I see faces weighted with mixed emotions.  Tears of joy because they have crossed what used to be the threshold to independence.  Tears of sorrow because the job market is on lock-down by increased retirement ages.

I'm saddened as I watch my friends and loved ones struggle to be gainfully employed.  All the while the US continues to raise the retirement age.  So while people are living far into their 80s.  People are far into their 30s-40s before they are able to begin their careers, buy homes, have children, start a nest egg.

Years ago a comedian suggested looking through the obituaries for jobs.  Sadly, it is no longer comedy. Due to higher retirement ages adolescence  has practically intersected with middle age.  One fact that seems to be forgotten is that years ago retirement age was younger, but so was "working age".  Years ago people started their careers in the late teens and early 20s.

So go ahead, raise the retirement age.  The new generations can wait. . .

So I ask you. . . is retirement age high enough yet?